YMAP is a free program for high school youth and young adults who are new to Canada. These youth are refugees, immigrants, international students and second-generation Canadians from more than 50 different countries.

Through weekly after-school sessions and special events, YMAP youth develop in all areas essential to a positive and healthy integration into Canada while maintaining and celebrating their cultures of origin. They engage in community work through volunteer and fundraising projects throughout the city. 

YMAP participants develop their leadership and teamwork skills in a weekly session with youth and YMCA staff from a variety of backgrounds. They also learn about resume writing and job preparation, financial literacy, health and wellness, and life in Calgary. 

Participants spend time learning how to make their communities great, through field trips and volunteer opportunities. Participants also have the chance to attend a weekend at YMCA Camp Chief Hector. 

YMAP participants say the program has helped them make new friends, learn new skills, make a difference in their community and develop the confidence they need to succeed in life. 

We offer YMAP at six different locations conveniently located in all quadrants of the city. 

Apply to join YMAP today!

To request more information about YMAP, please fill out the form below.