This beautiful tale explores themes of living with nature, control and anxiety, embracing challenges, moving beyond failure and inviting personal growth.  

Every morning when the sun comes up Liluune steps out of their little house on a cliff that overlooks the sea to begin their day… a day just like yesterday, and the day before that. Until one night, a mysterious light wakes them, they look out their window and discover…the moon! This discovery changes everything.  

LiLuune is set to a lush original score and animated by some of Calgary’s finest puppeteers. It is performed without words and is suitable for the whole family.

Presented by The Festival of Animated Objects 
Starring Jamie Konchak
Created by Jamie Konchak, Ali DeRegt, Jennie Esdale and Ellis Lalonde
Performance duration 1 hour 30 minutes 
Performance start time 1:00pm

LiLuune: Rocky Ridge YMCA

Saturday, March 15 & Sunday, March 16 at 1:00 PM 

Shane Homes YMCA at Rocky Ridge, BMO Theatre

From $15.00

Saturday, March 22 & Sunday, March 23 at 1:00pm

Brookfield Residential YMCA at Seton, Evan Hazell Theatre

From $15.00